Park System Improvement Plan

The City of Fridley operates nearly 40 parks that offer access to nature, athletic fields, play spaces and community gathering places. For several years, City staff have been working with residents and consultants to reimagine our park system. Since 2019, a robust community engagement effort has helped to identify priorities that residents would like to see including a splash pad, improved park buildings, increased trail connectivity and access to water for recreational activities such as fishing, canoeing and kayaking.

Three years of community engagement had led to the creation of a systematic Park System Improvement Plan (Park Plan) for Fridley’s parks. This Park Plan provides recommendations to improve every park in the City with a prioritized list of improvements that will provide balanced and equitable access to parks and recreation opportunities for all in Fridley.

A webpage will be created for each park to house updates, concept plans, engagement opportunities and more.

Please contact the Parks System Improvement Plan team at with any comments, questions or concerns.

In Progress Projects

Park Status Projected Completion
Sylvan Hills Park Construction Planning Fall 2025
Jubilee Park Construction Planning Fall 2025
Oak Hill Park Construction Planning Fall 2025

Future Projects

Park Status Projected Completion
 Flanery Park  Implementation Planning Fall 2026
 Commons Park Implementation Planning Fall 2026
 Summit Square Park  Implementation Planning Fall 2026
 Madsen Park  Implementation Planning Fall 2027
Harris Lake Park Implementation Planning Fall 2027
Briardale Park Implementation Planning Fall 2028
Creekridge Park Implementation Planning Fall 2028
Hackmann Circle Park Implementation Planning Fall 2028
Ruth Circle Park Implementation Planning Fall 2028
Innsbruck Park Implementation Planning Fall 2029
Jay Park Implementation Planning Fall 2029
Terrace Park Implementation Planning Fall 2029

Completed Projects

Park Status Completion
Craig Park Completed 2023
Creek View Park Completed 2023
Ed Wilmes Park Completed 2023
Skyline Park  Completed 2023
Edgewater Gardens Park Completed 2024
 Logan Park Completed 2024
 Moore Lake Park  Completed 2024
 Plymouth Square Park  Completed 2024

Additional Information

Project Overview

Starting in 2019, the City undertook a community-driven comprehensive park system planning process known as “Finding Your Fun in Fridley.” The outcome of this process was a planning document that will guide the city with identified priorities for park improvements and investments to ensure the city has a balanced and equitable park system that meets the needs of the community.

The park system plan process has included the following:

  • Development of a Project Goal Statement
    • "Fridley’s park system will increase the wellbeing of our community by providing people of all ages and abilities with opportunities for active living, social connections, wellness, and nature."
  • Feedback and data gathering through Social Pinpoint Pin map, community survey, and City’s Comprehensive Plan
  • Four Community Workshops (See Past Workshops Tab)
  • Parks & amenities inventory and assessment

Here's What the Community Said

The Fridley community values our neighborhood and community parks but want to see meaningful improvements and updates. Key community themes and action steps that were identified included:

  • Improved Playground & Amenities
  • Gathering Spaces
  • Year-Round Use & Connectivity
  • Unique Amenities & Experiences

Community Feedback on Individual Parks

Draft designs were created for each city park based on the feedback from the workshops and online. From March to early May in 2021, residents had the opportunity to provide feedback on these draft designs via an interactive map and in-person neighborhood meetings. City staff compiled nearly 1,000 comments from residents on the park plans and held dozens of meetings in neighborhood parks and with stakeholder groups such as city commissions and partner organizations.

Survey results and other feedback on the draft designs were compiled and organized to help refine the draft design concepts and provide estimates. Updates on the project and recommendations from the community feedback were discussed at the 2021 Town Hall Meeting on Saturday, June 5.

Two Park Plan Task Forces Were Created

After the June 2021 Town Hall meeting, City Council passed a resolution directing the formation of two citizen task forces; one to provide guidance on funding future park improvements and one to advise city staff on priorities and refinement of the park system plan to not exceed $30 million dollars.

The Park Plan Refinement Task Force has concluded their meetings but the agenda and minutes can be found on the Agenda Center.

The Financial Task Force has concluded their meetings but the agenda and minutes can be found on the Agenda Center.

You can view Task Force Documents in the Project Documents section. Agendas for each of the task force meetings, and previous meeting minutes can be found via the Agenda Center.


A total of $50 million in possible park system improvements were identified in the Park Plan. Based on resident input, Fridley City Council directed staff to work with a Park Plan Refinement Task Force advisory group to recommend $30 million in park projects that would be most impactful to the community.

Further, a resident Finance Task Force recommended funding the park system improvement plan by issuing General Obligation (GO) Tax Abatement Bonds for $20 million in bond proceeds, being repaid over no more than 15 years, with an additional $10 million to come from other City of Fridley funds.

Tax abatement is a tool that can be used by cities to abate all or a portion of property taxes levied by the City for a given purpose, such as public infrastructure improvements. All taxpayers, whether identified as an abated parcel or not, will continue to pay property taxes as they normally would. Minnesota Statute 469.1813 gives cities authority for tax abatement, and this has become an increasingly common means of funding park improvements, as they provide benefit to all residents. A requirement is holding a public hearing for the consideration of tax abatement, and that was held on May 23, 2022.The bonds will be repaid over 15 years with annual debt service payments being levied for and it is likely there will be an increase in property taxes beginning in 2023.

This plan will provide many opportunities for expanded recreation programming, enjoyment of nature and social gatherings. Enhancing and modernizing the city park system will position Fridley as a great place to live, work and play now and for many years to come.

Project Documents

Documents, resolutions and various reports for the Park System Improvement Plan may be viewed here:

Task Force Documents


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