
Here you'll find all of the various permits issued by the City of Fridley. Permits ensure City ordinances are being followed and our community is safe.

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Building Permits

The City of Fridley Building Inspections is responsible for administering the Minnesota State Building Code. Permits are required for residential and commercial building, demolition, mechanical, plumbing and electrical work. All permits must be completed online.

Looking for previously issued permits? Visit the Previously Issued Permits section below.

Apply Online for a Building Permit

Previously Issued Permits

You can find a list of previously issued permits for your property using the residential property files database.

You will see folders with a letter or number by it. This will be the first letter or number of the street name. Once you open a folder, you will then see the house numbers. Click on the house number you are looking. Permit information may be found in the folders labeled; Inspections and Permits and Pre2010 Permits and Docs.

Work Hours

Construction is permitted in Fridley during the following hours:

  • 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. Monday-Friday
  • 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturdays
  • Construction is not permitted on Sundays or holidays.

Applications for an alternate hours work permit shall be made in writing to the Public Works Director and shall state the name of the applicant and the business address, the location of the proposed work and the reason for seeking a permit to do such work, as well as the estimated time of the proposed operations. No such permit shall be issued excepting where the public welfare will be harmed by failure to perform the work at the times indicated.


Inspections are required for all permits. Upon issuance of a permit, an inspection record card will be provided and will identify the required inspections for each project. Inspection requests must be called in to the Building Inspections Department at 763-572-3604. Please allow a minimum of 24-hour notice for all inspections.

Electrical inspections must be scheduled with the electrical inspector, Andrew Nykanen, online at or 763-754-2983.

Note: Please have the permit number ready when calling for inspections.


Call the Building Inspections Division by phone at 763-572-3604 or by email at

Permit Types

Permits are required for most residential and commercial projects, including, but not limited to:

  • Additions
  • Accessory Structures (over 200 square feet)
  • Basement Finish
  • Decks
  • Demolition
  • Electrical
  • Garages (attached/detached)
  • Mechanical/HVAC
  • New Construction
  • Plumbing
  • Remodeling
  • Roofing
  • Siding
  • Tenant Finishes
  • Windows

Permits - Commercial

A city commercial or specialty contractor license is required for all commercial building, demolition, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing permit applications. See the Contractor License tab below for more information.

How do I get a permit?

All permits may be obtained by applying on our E-Permit portal.
Apply Online for a Commercial Permit

Plan Review Submittal Requirements

Review Process

Once the online application submittal has been received and the application intake has been complete, the approval process may take up to three weeks (15 business days). Please make sure to review the plan review submittal requirements listed above to prepare required documents prior to applying for the permit. No materials or construction equipment can be stored on a property until permits have been obtained.


Current Fee Schedule

Permits - Residential

Residential homeowners can do all of their own work as long as they obtain the necessary permits required. If a contractor is used, the contractor must have a City Contractor License for HVAC, mechanical and gas services projects (furnace, air conditioning, ductwork, gas dryer, fireplace, etc.) For the full list, see the Contractor License tab below. All permits for rental properties shall be obtained by a licensed contractor.

How do I get a permit?

All permits may be obtained by applying on our E-Permit portal.

Apply Online for a Residential Permit

Accessory Buildings/Sheds

A building permit is required for any shed over 200 square feet in an area. All storage sheds, no matter what size, must be located at least three feet from the side or rear lot line and off from any easement. There are also special setback requirements near wetlands, shorelines, floodplains, bluff lines, and corners. Check with the Building Inspection Division prior to placement of any shed where special setbacks may occur. All sheds must be securely anchored to a foundation or tied down with anchor ties and the maximum height of a shed is 14-feet to the mean distance between eaves and ridge of a gable, hip or gambrel roof.

Accessory Buildings Regulations(PDF, 257KB)

Decks and Patios

Building permits are required for decks with the following exception: freestanding decks, regardless of size, if they are not more than thirty inches (30”) above adjacent grade.

Small patios and sidewalks typically do not require permits, however the amount of hard cover/imprevious surfaces allowed on your lot may be limited in shoreland areas and other special zoning districts. If you have questions about hard cover requirements, please contact

Structural slabs do require a permit.

Deck Regulations(PDF, 6MB)


The City of Fridley does not require a permit for door replacements going into existing openings such as a patio, entry, bedroom, etc.

We require a door permit for the following type of work:

  • Garage to Dwelling door (new or replacement)
  • New Door Opening (interior or exterior)
  • Altering of a door opening (interior or exterior)


A building permit is required for all private residential swimming pools that meet or exceed these two requirements:

  • Depth of more than two feet (24 inches) at any point.
  • Volume over 5,000 gallons.

A portable spa that simply plugs in does not require a permit. An electrical permit is required where grounding or additional circuits are installed or altered. A heating permit will also be required for any gas lines to the system.

The pool/hot tub contractor or homeowner may obtain a permit by bringing the Building Inspection Division the spec sheets on the pool, filter and skimmers, a copy of the property survey or a sketch of the lot that shows the proposed location of the swimming pool, the location of all electrical lines, the proposed decking either around the entire pool or at the entry points, and the fencing that will be installed. The building permit fee is based on the value of the pool/hot tub.

Sprinkler Systems

New sprinkler systems do not require a building permit. Sprinkler systems in the right-of-way should receive a right-of-way permit prior to installation. The 2015 Minnesota Plumbing Code requires all testable backflow prevention devices installed on or after January 23, 2016, to be tested upon installation and annually thereafter by a certified backflow assembly tester at the expense of the homeowner. Testing ensures backflow devices are working properly to prevent contamination from entering a building's water distribution system.

If you have a lawn irrigation system that was installed prior to January 23, 2016, it is exempt from the testing and maintenance process.

Wood Stoves

A permit is required for the installation of new or used wood stoves as they are inspected for code requirements. The permit fee is based on the valuation of the installation. Literature concerning the manufacturer's installation instructions must be submitted to the Building Inspection Division prior to the issuance of a building permit for a new or used wood stove. New wood stoves must also be listed and approved by a nationally recognized testing agency. All wood stoves and the chimney, must be inspected prior to use.


Current Fee Schedule

Grants and Loans

Check if your program may qualify for a grant or loan through one of Fridley's home programs.

Miscellaneous Permit Documents

Critical Area Permit

A Critical Area permit is required to:

  • Construct any structures, impervious surfaces, or facilities on a property with frontage along the Mississippi River, frontage along a natural drainage route, or with a bluff that is not already subject to a building permit
  • Perform any intensive vegetation clearing (removal of contiguous trees or shrubs) within a primary conservation area
  • Perform any land alteration within the bluff impact zone or water quality impact zone.

You can find more information on the Critical Area page.

Manufactured Home Installation Permit

Manufactured homes may be located on either residential property or in a manufactured home park with an approved building permit issued by the Building Inspection Division. The home must meet local and State codes. For a home to be placed in an approved manufactured home park, the home must have approval of the park management before applying for a permit from the City. Homes will be inspected for the support system, utility connections, and anchors. Separate permits are required for plumbing, mechanical, and electrical work, as well as a gas permit for gas connections.

Solar Permit

Roof-top solar arrays are allowed by right in all zoning districts. Detached solar arrays require a Special Use Permit.


Current Fee Schedule

The watt rating is the total estimated alternating current (ac) energy output of the solar system. The total dc energy output is not used.

The solar PV inspection fees shall include inverters, modules, panels, combiners, converters, charge controllers, disconnecting means and electrical conductors between the inverter and the panelboard for stand-alone solar PV systems, or the conductors between the inverter and the service equipment or other power production, distribution and utilization system, such as a utility system and its connected loads, that is external to and not controlled by the solar PV power system.

In addition to the basic solar PV inspection fees, additional inspection fees may be applicable on large-scale projects for the inspection of additional electrical infrastructure between the inverter output circuit nd the electrical production and distribution network. The inspection fees shall be calculated according to Minnesota Statute 326B.37, Subdivisions 2, 3, 4, and 6, paragraphs (d), (f), (j), and (k)

*Fees are doubled if the work starts before the permit is issued

Licensed Contractors Requirement

Residential homeowners can do all of their own work as long as they obtain the necessary permits required. Permits are required for signs and commercial construction. If a contractor is used, the Contractor must have a City Contractor License for the following types of work:

  • General contractors in the business of nonresidential building construction and residential contractors with an exempt card from the State
  • Masonry and brick work
  • Roofing
  • Plastering, stucco work, sheetrock taping
  • Heating, ventilation and refrigeration
  • Gas piping, gas services, gas equipment installation
  • Oil heating and piping work
  • Excavations, including excavation for footings, basements, sewer and water line installations
  • Wrecking of buildings
  • Sign erection, construction and repair, including billboards and electrical signs
  • Blacktopping and asphalt work
  • Chimney sweeps

Additionally, a City Engineering Contractor's license is required for any engineering permits described below.When hiring a contractor, be sure to verify if the contractor is in fact licensed/registered with the City. For more information on contractors, please call the Building Inspections Division at (763) 572-3604.

If you would like to verify a contractor is licensed with the State Department of Labor (DLI) call 651-284-5005 or 1-800-DIAL-DLI (1-800-342-5354). You can also verify via the MN Department of Labor and Industry.

Information for Contractors

Apply Online for a Contractor License

License fee is $35.00 each

License Term: Valid one year from date of issuance

Renewals: A new license shall be applied for each year by the contractor.

Insurance Requirements: Certificate of Insurance evidencing the holding of Public Liability Insurance in the limits of:

  • $50,000 per person
  • $100,000 each accident for bodily injury
  • $25,000 for property damage

Workers Compensation as required by Minnesota Statute 176.182.

The SP:C1 Form(PDF, 377KB) is required for all contractor licenses.

Work Hours: Construction is permitted in Fridley during the following hours:

  • 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
  • 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturdays
  • Construction is not permitted on Sundays or holidays.

Applications for an alternate hours work permit shall be made in writing to the Public Works Director and shall state the name of the applicant and the business address, the location of the proposed work and the reason for seeking a permit to do such work, as well as the estimated time of the proposed operations. No such permit shall be issued excepting where the public welfare will be harmed by failure to perform the work at the times indicated.

Issued Permits

This is a monthly report which has been prepared based on requests from the public. The report is a summary of all the building permits that have been issued for the month. The report should be available within seven days after the end of the month.

View the Building Permit Report

As this is a new process, we are beginning with year 2018. If you have any questions regarding this report, you may contact the Building Inspections Department by phone at 763-572-3604 or email

Sewer Availability Charge (SAC)

The Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) is determined by the Metropolitan Council.

Watershed Districts

Land alteration within the Coon Creek Watershed District and Rice Creek Watershed District may require additional permits. Please see their websites for more information.

Watershed District Map(PNG, 1MB)

Work Exempt from Permit

2020 Minnesota Building Code Administration - 1300.0120 Permits Subp. 4 Work exempt from permit. Exemptions from permit requirements of the code do not authorize work to be done in any manner in violation of the code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction. Permits shall not be required for the following:

A. Building:

(1) One-story detached accessory structures, used as tool and storage shed, playhouses, and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 200 square feet;

(2) Fences not over seven feet high;

(3) Oil derricks;

(4) Retaining walls that are not over four feet (1,219 mm) in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge or impounding Class I, II, or III-A liquids;

(5) Water tanks supported directly upon grade if the capacity does not exceed 5,000 gallons (18,927 L) and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed 2 to 1;

(6) Sidewalks and driveways that are not part of an accessible route;

(7) Decks and platforms not more than 30 inches (762 mm) above adjacent grade and not attached to a structure with frost footings and which is not part of an accessible route;

(8) Painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, countertops, and similar finish work;

(9) Temporary motion picture, television, and theater stage sets and scenery;

(10) Prefabricated swimming pools installed entirely above ground accessory to dwelling units constructed to the provisions of the International Residential Code or R-3 occupancies constructed to the provisions of the International Building Code, which do not exceed both 5,000 gallons in capacity (18,925 L) and a 24-inch (610 mm) depth;

(11) Window awnings supported by an exterior wall that do not project more than 54 inches (1372 mm) from the exterior wall and do not require additional support, when constructed under the International Residential Code or Group R-3 and Group U occupancies constructed to the provisions of the International Building Code;

(12) Movable cases, counters, and partitions not over five feet, nine inches (1753 mm) in height;

(13) Swings and other playground equipment; and

(14) Electric substation facilities, including:

(a) foundations that support electrical equipment;

(b) foundations and enclosures affixed with an Interstate Industrialized Buildings Commission (IIBC) label that contain electrical equipment only; and

(c) fencing that encloses the substation facilities or any part thereof.

(15) Replacement of interior doors such as a patio door, entry door, bedroom door.

Locating Property Lines

Locating your property boundaries may help ensure that fences, sheds and other improvements are appropriately placed. Several resources for locating your property boundaries are available, including a Certificate of Survey, aerial imagery, locating your property pins, and consulting a professional land surveyor.

  • A Certificate of Survey is a formal document prepared by a licensed surveyor, depicting your property boundaries. A survey is a drawing that shows physical features of the property as well as the location of survey monuments. Survey monuments are also known as "property pins" or "survey markers" placed at the property corners by a licensed surveyor. In some cases, residential properties in the City of Fridley have a Certificate of Survey on file. Visit the Property Information page to access residential property files.
  • Aerial imagery available from Anoka County shows the approximate property boundaries.
  • Download instructions for locating your property pins(PDF, 1MB).
    • Property pins are buried iron survey markers placed by a surveyor at the corners of your property. To find your property pins:
      1. Contact Gopher State One Call at 651-454-0002 or visit before digging to have underground utility locations marked by public utility companies.
      2. Access your property records online
      3. Gather the following materials: survey or aerial imagery, tape measure, shovel, and (optional) metal detector
      4. Property markers are often located 10-15 feet from the curb. The marker is often found 6-10 inches below the ground surface.
      5. Mark the property pin and continue until you have found all pins.
  • Professional Land Surveyors are the only people trained and licensed to make property line determinations and can be retained to assist property owners.

Engineering Permits

Any work being done in the City Right of Way or that will be disturbing land in a watershed area requires a permit from the Engineering Division. Engineering also approves permits for water and sewer repairs and driveway replacements and curb cuts.

Note: All Engineering permits shall be completed with an online application. Under "Application Type" select Engineering Permit and then select the corresponding Sub Type.

General Contactor License Required

Any general contractor intending to apply for an Engineering related permit (ROW, Driveway, Grading, Load Limits, Water/Sewer) is required obtain a valid license with the City.

Please visit our online portal and click on the option that says "Apply For a License" on the right-hand side. That will bring you to CitizenServe where you can either sign-in with an existing account or register as a new user. Once you're signed in, you can begin the application. You will need to select the option for Engineering Contractor License in the first drop down menu, and the sub-type will be chosen based on the type of work your company will be doing.

Questions? Contact our Engineering Division at 763-572-3554.

Apply Online

Grading Permit

A Grading (Land Alteration) Permit is required for topographic alterations involving:

  • The creation of 5,000 square feet or more of land disturbance or new or fully reconstructed impervious surface.
  • The creation of 1,000 square feet or more of land disturbance or movement of 10 cubic yards or more of material within the water quality impact zone as described in the Critical Area Overlay District Chapter of the Code.
  • The movement of 10 cubic yards or more of material on steep slopes or within the bluff impact zone or shore impact zone as described in the Shoreland Overlay District Chapter of the Code.
  • The movement of 50 cubic yards or more of material not on steep slopes or within the bluff impact zone or shore impact zone as described in the Shoreland Overlay District Chapter of the Code.
  • Temporary soil stockpiles of 50 cubic yards or more.
  • Impacts to wetlands.
  • Construction of retaining walls that in combination are four feet tall or higher.
  • Drainage alterations resulting in an increased rate of flow onto adjacent properties.

Apply Online for a Grading Permit


A Right-of-Way Permit is required when any work is performed in the City of Fridley within the street right-of-way. Right-of-way is the property on which the street is located and that extends behind the curb approximately 10 to 15 feet.

Apply Online for a Right-of-Way Permit

Right-of-Way (Driveway)

A Driveway/Right-of-Way Permit is required when a resident or contractor is removing/replacing the existing driveway regardless of curb removal or installing a new driveway.

Apply Online for a Driveway Permit

Water and Sewer

A Water and Sewer Permit is required to allow for the installation, repair, removal or relocation of the utility which projects onto, under or over any City of Fridley public property or right-of-way, including the municipal sanity sewer or water service distribution system. A permit is also required to tap or disconnect from the City's water mains and hydrants or to install a water meter.

Apply Online for a Water and Sewer Permit

Load Limit Permit

A Load Limit Permit is needed to move oversize loads and an approved permit must be in hand prior to movement. View additional information on current Load Limits and Road Restriction parameters.

Apply Online for a Load Limit Permit

Work Hours

Construction is permitted in Fridley during the following hours:

  • 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. Monday-Friday
  • 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturdays
  • Construction is not permitted on Sundays or holidays.

Applications for an alternate hours work permit shall be made in writing to the Public Works Director and shall state the name of the applicant and the business address, the location of the proposed work and the reason for seeking a permit to do such work, as well as the estimated time of the proposed operations. No such permit shall be issued excepting where the public welfare will be harmed by failure to perform the work at the times indicated.

Fire Permits

There are separate permit applications and submission requirements for fire suppression systems, fire alarm systems, and tank removal process. More additions still to come.

Residents can submit permit applications for fire alarm systems, fire suppression systems, fuel storage tank removal, prescribed burns and more on the Fire Permits webpage.

Gun Permits

The City of Fridley processes Permits to Purchase for Fridley residents. Permit to Carry applications must be filed through Anoka County.

Permit to Purchase

The City of Fridley is now processing permits to purchase through our Citizen Serve Portal. You must be a Fridley resident to apply. Upon approval, permits to purchase will be mailed to your residence.

Apply for a Permit to Purchase

Questions? Call Public Safety at 763-572-3629.

Permit to Carry

The Anoka County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for issuing all Permit to Carry applications for Anoka County.

Permit to Carry Application

Sign Permits

Sign Permits are required for new, relocated, or redesigned exterior signs within the City of Fridley. Before a permanent sign may be constructed, the sign erector must submit an application for Contractor license to the City.

Learn more about when a permit is needed on the Sign Permit webpage.

Questions about a sign permit? Call Planning and Zoning at 763-572-3592.