Rental Properties

This page contains information for both tenants (residents) and landlords (owners) of rental properties. Jump to:


Find information on the rental licensing process, how to apply for a license, renew or change the status of your license, local resources and more.

Rental Licensing Online

Beginning in spring 2024, rental license renewals will be processed online. All notices and documents including Inspection Notices will be sent electronically via email. You will also be able to access this information through your online account.

If you had a 2023 Rental License in Fridley, your license was transferred to the online system using the email on file and an account was created for you. The email on file is the default username. Log into your account at

If you do not know your username or password you can use the links on the login page. If you do not know which email the city has on file, do not create another account, please contact the Fridley Rental Property Inspection Division at 763-572-3616.

We're excited to offer this time- and cost-saving online licensing system. Through Fridley’s CitizenServe portal, you can:

  • Submit documents electronically (no need to print & mail or fax, unless you prefer)
  • Access copies of documents like an Inspection Corrections Notice or Rental License Certificate at any time
  • Pay securely online and receive a receipt by email

When currently-licensed properties receive their 2024 License Renewal Notice, they will also receive an Online License Renewal User Guide(PDF, 676KB). Many Fridley residents and business owners have already successfully used this system for their City of Fridley permits and licenses.


If you have any questions regarding Fridley rental property licensing, please contact the Fridley Rental Property Inspection Division at 763-572-3616.

Rental Licensing Process

Like landlords, the City of Fridley wants to ensure that those who live in rental properties have a safe place to call “home”. Public health, safety and welfare of all residents is essential. Fridley’s Rental Housing Division is responsible for rental property licensing and maintenance program. The division’s goals are to identify and correct substandard conditions and maintain quality standards for rental property.

As a rental property owner, you must maintain an annual Rental Property License.

Fridley’s Rental Licensing Ordinance applies to all buildings, which are rented in whole or part as a dwelling for persons other than the property owner. Its requirements cover accessory-structures such as garages and storage buildings, and appurtenances such as sidewalks, parking lots, and retaining walls, which are on the lot where the rental property is located.

Renew Your Rental License Yearly

Renewal Schedule for License

License renewals occur on a staggered schedule(PDF, 14KB) - at the time of first being licensed and every year afterwards. Licensed rental properties must be inspected by the City on a regular basis. You will be contacted by email when your property is due for an inspection every one-to-three years. It is the property owner's responsibility to maintain their CitizenServe account and keep contact information updated.

Process for yearly rental license renewal:

  1. If you are due for an inspection, you will be notified prior to your license renewal. Rental properties are inspected every one-to-three years. Licenses are renewed every year.
    • An inspector will contact you regarding your inspection after your license application has been submitted.
    • You, or your property manager, must be present for the inspection.
    • An initial inspection and one follow-up re-inspection are included with the cost of a license. Additional re-inspections required due to unresolved issues will incur charges.
    • Complete a Self-Inspection Checklist(PDF, 127KB) before your schedule inspection visit.
  2. Apply for a Rental Property License renewal.
  3. Submit payment for your license and any required re-inspections, fees, or incurred charges.
  4. Your rental license will be uploaded to your CitizenServe account. View instructions(PDF, 281KB)
    • Display your rental license as required by ordinance.
    • Multi-family properties must have the rental license conspicuously displayed, inside a frame, in the building’s entryway or common area.

Helpful Resources

Transfer License to New Owner

Rental License Transfer Form Instructions(PDF, 557KB)

A rental license may be transferred to a new property owner. A Rental License Transfer Form should be submitted within 10 days of the purchase.

Process for transferring a rental license to a new owner:

  1. Proposed (purchasing) rental license holder will complete a Rental License Transfer Form in our online portal. There is a $25 fee to transfer a rental license. The transfer form and fees must be received within 10 days of the purchase of the property.
  2. Current (selling) rental license holder will fill out a No Longer Rental Form in our online portal. No Longer Rental application should be submitted upon sale of the property.

"No Longer Rental" Notification

No Longer Rental License Application Instructions(PDF, 339KB)

If you are no longer renting your property:

  1. If you currently have a rental license and your property is no longer being used as rental you will need to complete the No Longer Rental Form in our online portal upon sale of the property.
  2. New owners should apply to have the rental license transferred to their name. Complete a Rental License Transfer Form in our online portal. There is a $25 fee to transfer a rental license. The transfer form and fees must be received within 10 days of the purchase of the property.

New Rental License Application

New Rental License Application Instructions(PDF, 448KB)

If you have purchased a property with an existing Rental License, complete a Rental Transfer Form to have the license transferred to your name. If you are establishing a new license, follow the steps below.

Process to receive a new rental license:

  1. Apply for a NEW Rental Property License.
  2. Successfully complete a Rental Property Inspection.
    • An inspector will contact you regarding your inspection after your license application has been submitted.
    • You, or your property manager, must be present for the inspection.
    • An initial inspection and one follow-up re-inspection are included with the cost of a license. Additional re-inspections required due to unresolved issues will incur charges.
    • Save time and money! Complete the Self-Inspection Checklist(PDF, 127KB) before your scheduled inspector visit.
    • Rental properties are re-inspected every one to three years.
  3. Submit payment for your license and any required re-inspections.
  4. Post your rental license as required by ordinance.
    • Multi-family properties must have the rental license conspicuously displayed, inside a frame, in the building’s entryway or common area.

Short-term rentals (e.g., Airbnb)

Short-term rental properties (e.g., Airbnb, VRBO, and similar business models) are subject to Fridley's Rental Licensing ordinance and must apply for a Rental License.

Group Residential Housing

The City of Fridley allows up to five unrelated adults to occupy a single-family residence. Under Minnesota law, group residential housing facilities like housing with services or assisted living are not subject to Fridley's rental licensing requirements if they are otherwise licensed by the state.

Additional Resources for Landlords

Useful Forms & Checklists

Useful Links

  • Minnesota Attorney General - Download their publication, “Landlords and Tenants: Rights and Responsibilities.”
  • Minnesota Judicial Branch - Find court acceptable documents you may need in the eviction process. Select "Housing/Landlord-Tenant" and then "Eviction."
  • Minnesota Multi Housing Association (MHA) is a state-wide nonprofit trade organization for the multi-housing industry. This website provides common rental forms.

Resources for Rental Properties


Find a variety of assistance programs, a list of current rental properties, and learn where you can send questions or concerns about rental properties in Fridley.

Assistance Programs for Tenants

  • HomeLine - A nonprofit Minnesota Tenant Advocacy Organization that provides free, legal advice and assistance to residents of rental properties.
  • Office of the Minnesota Attorney General - Landlords and Tenants: Rights and Responsibilities
  • Section 8 Rental Assistance - A federal housing program, funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), that assists in providing affordable housing for low- and moderate-income families. The purpose of the program is to provide families rent assistance by utilizing the existing housing stock.

Note: The City of Fridley does not operate its own Section 8 housing program. Instead, region-wide resources are available through the Metro Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA).

Contact the Metro HRA at 651-602-1428 or via the Metro HRA website.

Complaint Procedures - Tenant Responsibilities

Complaint Procedures

  1. Tenant must notify the owner/manager in writing about the issue(s)
  2. Date and sign the notification
  3. Give a specific date and time for items to be repaired-typically 14 days for non-emergency complaints; 24 hours for emergencies
  4. Keep a copy of your records
  5. Tenants may also contact HOMELINE-FREE TENANT LEGAL ADVICE at 612-728-5767

*If adequate progress is not made by the specific deadline, email the Rental Property Inspection Division or call 763-572-3616 to make a formal complaint and schedule an inspection.

Emergency Repair: Complaint Procedures

For emergencies, notify both the owner/manager and Fridley's Rental Property Inspections Division. Immediate hazards: call 9-1-1.

Examples of possible maintenance emergencies include:

  • Loss of electricity or natural gas; heating system failure
  • Severe water leaks
  • Locks that do not work or unsecured doors and windows
  • Blocked fire exits, missing smoke or carbon monoxide detectors
  • Overheating appliances and other fire hazards
  • Immediate hazards – call 9-1-1


If you have concerns about the Fridley home you are renting, you can email the Rental Property Inspection Division or call 763-572-3616. For immediate hazards, call 9-1-1.

Currently-Licensed Properties

An online list of Currently-Licensed Rental Properties is available from our licensing portal.

You will need to click "submit" to generate the report.


If you have concerns about the Fridley home you are renting, you can email the Rental Property Inspection Division or call 763-572-3616.