The main responsibility of the sewer division is to maintain the City's sewage lift stations and sanitary sewer lines.
Residents are requested to call the public works department when they have roots removed from the lines between the house and the street (their private sewer line). These roots often will cause problems for neighbors down stream.
The city has the latest technology to control both the water and sewer systems. They are monitored by a master computer which has alarms to alert us quickly to any problems that may arise. This allows us to act promptly to correct or repair these problems.
Drainage Ditches
The Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining the flow of water through ditches receiving storm water runoff from City maintained streets. City crews periodically clean the banks of the drainage ditches and remove any obstacles obstructing the flow of water through the ditch.
Citizens are reminded that drainage ditches are not for trash disposal. Debris such as leaves, grass cuttings, and tree limbs should not be thrown into drainage ditches.
If the drainage ditch near you needs maintenance, call the Public Works Department at 763-572-3566 between 7:00 am and 3:30 pm Monday through Friday.
Storm Drains
The Sewer Division maintains the City's extensive storm drainage system. As there are nearly 1,500 storm sewer catch basins throughout the City, your assistance in helping to keep them free of debris is appreciated. If you will clear the catch basins of leaves and twigs, this will result in continued flow, and reduce the threat of flooding and property damage. If you have a clogged catch basin on your street that needs cleaning, call 763-572-3566 between 7:00 am and 3:30 pm Monday through Friday.
Residents should make every effort to ensure lawn cuttings, leaves or other materials are not placed in the street as those materials are washed into the curb drainage system and eventually accumulate and block the storm sewer catch basins, resulting in street flooding and property damage.
Residents should be careful not to allow pollutants such as oil or paint to enter the storm drainage system, as all materials entering the collection system end up in area creeks, lakes or the Mississippi River.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention
The City of Fridley's stormwater system is a small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permitted through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) outlines the activities that the City undertakes as part of this permit. These activities are intended to promote maintenance of water quality to the waters that the City of Fridley's stormwater system discharges to.
More information on stormwater can be found at the following links: