
The City Clerk's Office is responsible for administering local, state and federal elections.

Voting Information

Find information on early voting, where your polling location is, how to register to vote and find sample ballots.

Early or Absentee Voting

In Minnesota eligible voters do not have to wait until Election Day to vote. Voters may vote early with an Absentee Ballot.

Vote Early In-Person

Any Fridley resident who wishes to vote early may do so by Absentee Ballot beginning 46 days before Election Day at the Fridley Civic Campus. After submitting an Absentee Ballot Application(PDF, 957KB), you will be given a ballot and able to cast it in person that day.

When absentee voting at the Fridley Civic Campus, no campaigning is allowed in the building or within 100 feet of the building. This includes campaign buttons, signs or clothing. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. 

Registration Status

All absentee voters must submit an Absentee Ballot Application(PDF, 957KB), regardless of registration status. If a voter is not registered, or their registration has expired, they are required to re-register by filling out the Voter Registration Application(PDF, 290KB).


For more information, you may contact the City Clerk’s Office at 763-572-3573 or Elections@FridleyMN.gov.

Where Do I Vote?

Find Your Polling Location

To find your polling location please visit MNvotes.org, call 763-572-3523 or email Elections@FridleyMN.gov. You can also view the Ward Precinct Map(PDF, 982KB) . 

Polling Locations

The City of Fridley polling locations are:

Register to Vote

In Minnesota, you must meet the following requirements to register and vote:

  • Be at least 18 years of age on Election Day;
  • Be a United States citizen; and have resided in Minnesota for 20 days immediately preceding Election Day;
  • Not be under guardianship of a person; or
  • Not be found by a court to be legally incompetent to vote.

In addition, anytime you move or change your name, you will need to re-register to vote. You can re-register or pre-register to vote up to 21 days prior to an election. Pre-registering will save you time at the polling place on Election Day.

You may pre-register by:

If you are interested in finding out whether you are registered to vote and the information is correct, you may check for voter registration status.

Election Day Registration

Everyone who registers on Election Day or by Absentee Ballot must provide proof of residence, which may be found by clicking on Election Day Registration. Only proofs authorized by law may be used. A voter is allowed to leave and come back with their proof of residence in order to register. (M.S.201.061; M.R.8200.5100).

Additional Election Information

Apply to be an Election Judge, review campaign finance reports, find precinct caucus information and/or file for office.

Become an Election Judge

Election Judges are responsible for the administration of election procedures in each polling location on Election Day. Election Judges help guarantee the rights of voters are protected on Election Day and that the election process is fair and in accordance with our laws.

Election Judges are an integral part of making the election process work smoothly for voters. Election Judges take on multiple roles in each polling location:

  • Head Judge: Manages the polling location and all other Election Judges
  • Greeter Judge: Directs traffic flow and maintains order
  • Registration Judge: Oversees use of poll books (iPads) and oversees the registration process for voters who need to complete their voter registration
  • Ballot Judge: Oversees the ballot counter
  • Additional duties include setting up and closing down the polling location, and certifying the polling location results.

How to Apply

The application period for the 2026 elections will open in the spring of 2026.

If you have questions on submitting your application, please contact us at Elections@FridleyMN.gov.

Campaign Finance Reports

To view Campaign Finance Reports, visit the City's online records and select the Elections folder.

Precinct Caucus Information

Find the current year's precinct caucus information on the Secretary of State's website.


For any additional election questions, you may contact the Fridley City Clerk's Office at 763-572-3573 or call the Anoka County Elections Office at 763-324-1300.