Creek View Park

  • Park typeMini Park
  • Project statusCompleted
  • Project scheduleFall 2023
  • Park size0.8 Acres
  • Special useNone

Current Status

The park is near completion. City crews will install picnic tables, benches and a bike rack in the month of March. The sitework contractor will return in April to install the basketball goals and stripe the new court. We appreciate the community’s patience during construction of the park improvements and we hope everyone is enjoying the new playground equipment with our early spring!

Updated March 12, 2024

Project Summary & Concept Plans

Creek View is a mini park that services a neighborhood with underserved populations. It is located along the scenic Rice Creek West Regional Trail corridor but only has foot paths down steep slopes to access the trail. The site is very sandy with areas of erosion.


General recommendations include redevelopment with some minor layout modifications to incorporate new amenities, replace existing and create an improved access to the regional trail.

Recommendations include:

  • Replace playground equipment with potential more unique pieces for a broader range of challenge levels
  • ADA compliant playground surfacing
  • Concrete playground border
  • Added internal concrete loop walks
  • Regional trail connection
  • Replace basketball court as necessary with smaller court overlays (hopscotch, 4-square)
  • Small arbor or picnic shelter with two tables and outlet
  • Wayfinding signs & No Parking signs
  • Security light


Playground Design


The project was completed in 2023.

Community Engagement

Beginning in 2019, the City undertook a comprehensive public engagement process through a variety of methods, allowing for a better understanding of current views, desires and trends related to parks, trails and recreation.

Engagement methods included:

  • Online outreach through Social PinPoint and Polco platforms
  • Four-part in-person visioning series conducted by the Twin Cities LISC's Corridor Development Initiative
  • Targeted outreach to specific project stakeholders including Fridley athletic associations, senior center and Fridley ISD 13
  • Gathered feedback through an interactive, GIS-based story map project website
  • Targeted community outreach through pop-up events
  • Community survey conducted by The Morris Leatherman Company

An in-park community meeting was held on Tuesday, August 16 to allow residents to vote on playground equipment and discuss the project with City staff. Residents who could not make it to the meeting had the opportunity to give feedback via an online survey. The feedback will help decide what equipment to order for construction in 2023.

Funding Source

A total of $50 million in possible park system improvements were identified in the Park Plan. Based on resident input, Fridley City Council directed staff to work with a Park Plan Refinement Task Force advisory group to recommend $30 million in park projects that would be most impactful to the community.

Further, a resident Finance Task Force recommended funding the park system improvement plan by issuing General Obligation (GO) Tax Abatement Bonds for $20 million in bond proceeds, being repaid over no more than 15 years, with an additional $10 million to come from other City of Fridley funds.

Tax abatement is a tool that can be used by cities to abate all or a portion of property taxes levied by the City for a given purpose, such as public infrastructure improvements. All taxpayers, whether identified as an abated parcel or not, will continue to pay property taxes as they normally would. Minnesota Statute 469.1813 gives cities authority for tax abatement, and this has become an increasingly common means of funding park improvements, as they provide benefit to all residents. A requirement is holding a public hearing for the consideration of tax abatement, and that was held on May 23, 2022.The bonds will be repaid over 15 years with annual debt service payments being levied for and it is likely there will be an increase in property taxes beginning in 2023.

This plan will provide many opportunities for expanded recreation programming, enjoyment of nature and social gatherings. Enhancing and modernizing the city park system will position Fridley as a great place to live, work and play now and for many years to come.

Project Contacts

Questions about the project? Please email with questions or concerns.


6801 Anoka Street, Fridley, MN 55432  View Map