Waste & Recycling

March 5 Update: Due to today's weather event, recycling and organics recycling scheduled for pick-up by Republic Services on Wednesday will be delayed until Saturday. Collection scheduled for Thursday will not be impacted.

Find information about garbage service haulers, the city-provided recycling service, bimonthly recycling and paper shredding events, organics recycling, new resident information, and more below.

Online Recycling Directory

Wondering if you can recycle a certain item? Search for it here!

Please type in the name of a material:

Curbside Recycling

Curbside Recycling: What You Need to Know

Pickup is every other week, usually on the same day as your garbage collection. A holiday can sometimes push back collection one day. If you need a larger cart, please see the cart request below.

Wondering when your recycle day is? Search for your property in the Fridley Neighborhood Map.

Acceptable Recycling

The below items can be placed in your curbside recycling container. If your item can't be recycled curbside, check the online recycling directory for proper disposal.

Plastic Bottles and Jugs (#1, #2, and #5)

Water, soda & juice bottles, dish soap bottles, shampoo bottles, soap and lotion bottles & detergent jugs (empty and clean/rinse, and dry; caps on)

Plastic Cups and Containers (#1, #2, and #5)

Yogurt cups, pudding & fruit cups, clear disposable cups (no straws), margarine/whip cream tubs, cottage cheese & similar containers, clear produce, deli & take out containers (empty and rinse; lids on)


Cardboard, cereal, cracker, pasta, tissue boxes, shoe, gift, electronic boxes, toothpaste & other toiletry boxes (flattened)


Milk cartons, juice cartons, juice boxes, soup, broth & wine cartons (empty and clean/rinse, and dry; caps on)


Mail, office and school papers, magazines & catalogs, newspapers & inserts, phone books (clean; staples OK)

Metal Cans

Food cans & beverage cans (empty; labels OK)

Glass Bottles and Jars

Brown, green & clear bottles, jars (empty & rinse; no lids)

Not Accepted Items

If your item isn't listed above, do not put it in your curbside recycling container. Below are common contaminants that should NOT be put in your recycling container:

  • Tanglers like plastic bags, ropes, and hoses
  • Hazardous materials like diapers, batteries, or aerosol cans
  • Non-recyclable material like foil bags, plastic straw, plastic toys, scrap metal
  • Items with mixed materials including oatmeal and peanut containers

Recycling & Shredding Events

2025 Residential Recycling Drop-Off & Secure Paper Shredding Events

Fridley residents will have five opportunities for free and reduced recycling of bulky items--electronics, appliances, mattresses and more- in 2025. Receive $50* off your total with Fridley ID (Driver's License, Mail, or Utility Bill). Free paper shredding is offered at every event.

2025 Drop-off days

  • March 8, 8 a.m. - noon
  • May 10, 8 a.m. - noon
  • July 12, 8 a.m. - noon
  • September 13, 8 a.m. - noon
  • November 8, 8 a.m. - noon

*Prices subject to change, check back for the most up to date pricing. Cash or check only.

Drop-off Location

Recycle Technologies, Inc. (formerly known as Green Lights Recycling), 1525 99th Lane NE, in Blaine

Directions: Take Highway 65 north to 99th Lane and turn right. Enter site on left, after the curve.

Items Accepted for Free

Item Limit per Event?
Handheld-held Electronics(cell phones, laptops*, cables, cords, servers, tablets*) No
Small Electronics(DVD/VCR players, consoles, computer towers, blenders, toaster ovens, landline phones, etc.) No
Secure Paper Shredding Yes, 4 boxes
Fluorescent Lights** Yes, 10
Small Engines / Scrap Metal***(lawn mower, snowblower, generator, metal fencing, charcoal grill, posts, gutters) No
Batteries**** No
Bicycles No

Items Accepted for a Fee

Discount: Take $50 off your total on items below 

Item Fee
Appliances $12-23
Refrigerators/freezers, ovens, vacuums, washing machines/driers, dishwashers $12
Humidifier and microwaves $15
Dehumidifier $23
Water Heaters/Softeners $15-25
Empty of water/salt $15
Not empty of water/salt $25
AC Units $20-30
Window units $20
Ground units $30
Mattresses/Boxsprings $20-25
Standard $25
King/Pillowtop/Extra Thick $30
TV/ Monitor $20-85
Up to 17" $20
18" to 31" $30
32" and greater $55
Console TV $85
Rear projection $85
+Broken Screen +$20
Printers $10-95
Residential inkjet, fax machine, scanner $10
All-In-One, Residential Laser Jet $35
Commercial $95
Exercise Equipment $25-40
Non-Electric $25
Electric $40
Tires $2.25-9
Car $7
SUV/Truck $9
Rims $2.25
18-wheeler TBD
Fire/Grilling Accessories** $6-35
Fire extinguisher $30
Smoke/Carbon Monoxide detector***** $25
Propane tank- 1 lb (must be empty) $6
Propane tank- 20 lb (must be empty) $20
Propane BBQ grill (no tank) $15

Recycle Technologies, Inc. is open during regular business hours; however, pricing will be different than at drop-off events. Call Recycle Technologies, Inc directly at 763-785-0456 to learn more or visit the Anoka County Recycling Directory for other disposal options.

*Tablets or laptops with hard drives are $7

**Fluorescent light bulbs must be disposed of at a specialized facility like Recycle Technologies, Inc. because they contain hazardous materials. LED light bulbs may be recycled at a drop-off facility or disposed of in the trash. Incandescent and halogen light bulbs should be disposed of in the trash. No light bulbs are accepted in curbside recycling.

***Must be drained of all fluids with all non-metal parts removed

****Reusable batteries must be disposed of at a specialized facility like Recycle Technologies, Inc. due to the potential for ignition in garbage trucks. Single use batteries may be recycled at a drop-off facility or disposed of in the trash. No batteries are accepted in curbside recycling.

*****The manufacturer of the smoke detector should accept the smoke detector for no cost; we recommend calling the manufacturer for more direction

All other residential hazardous waste should be disposed of at the Anoka County Household Hazardous Waste Facility.


Organics Collection

Convenient curbside organics collection is now available to Fridley residents through Republic Services.

Sign Up for Organics Collection

We already recycle our plastic, aluminum and cardboard at home, because it makes sense environmentally and economically. Now, it’s possible to save our food waste from the landfill, too! Rather than throwing away your food scraps, collect them for transformation into a useful product- compost! With the Organics Collection Program, organics are collected by Republic Services and sent to a commercial composting facility for processing into high-grade compost for use in gardening, agriculture, and construction. Check out the What Happens to My Organics video by Biz Recycling, a program of the Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy Board to learn about the process.

This is a voluntary program offered to Fridley residents in households of up to 4 dwelling units through Republic Services. Buildings with more than 4 units are not currently eligible. For those who sign up, it will cost $11.75/month, billed every 90 days directly by the service provider, Republic Services. This cost includes weekly curbside collection, a free 32-gallon organics collection cart, and a free kitchen pail and compostable bags. Pick-up will occur on your garbage collection day.

Allowed in Organics Collection Cart

  • All food including bones and fruit pits
  • Certified compostable plates, cups and utensils and compostable bags (BPI certified)
  • Paper napkins, towels and tissues
  • Pizza boxes
  • Paper egg cartons
  • Other uncoated, non-recyclable paper products
  • Cotton balls and cotton swabs without chemicals
  • Wood chop sticks, popsicle sticks and toothpicks
  • Floral trimmings and house plants
  • Animal and human hair and nail clippings

Not Allowed

  • Clothing
  • Plastic
    • K-cups
    • Straws
    • Stickers on produce
  • Metal of any kind
    • Aluminum foil
    • Twist ties
  • Glass of any kind
  • Styrofoam products
  • Coated paper products which are not BPI certified
    • Fast food wrappers and boxes
    • Paper boats
    • Beverage cups
    • Milk, juice and other beverage cartons
    • Candy wrappers
  • Chip bags
  • Condiment packets
  • Animal waste
  • Diapers, diaper wipes, sanitary products
  • Grease and oil

Why should I recycle my organics?

Organic material comprises about 30 percent of the average families trash. When this material is thrown in the trash, it ends up in a landfill where it takes up valuable space and contributes greenhouse gases. Similar to cans, bottles and paper, you can transform organic waste into a valuable product by separating it out for recycling. All trash in Anoka County is currently sent to a landfill, where it does not undergo further sorting. Sorting organics out at home allows you to make something useful of your waste!

Why should I collect organics instead of using a garbage disposal?

Collecting organic materials for compost results in a valuable product and generates jobs in Minnesota. Placing these items down a garbage disposal puts extra processing strain on our wastewater treatment facility and sewer infrastructure. Solids in the wastewater are strained out at the treatment facility and landfilled.

How is organics collection for commercial composting different from backyard composting?

Commercial compost facilities maintain their compost at higher temperatures than backyard compost bins, so you can include more materials. The higher temperatures kill bacteria and breakdown items that cannot be composted in a backyard system, including: meat, bones, citrus, dairy, and compostable plastics. This is also an easy way to compost-year round. Backyard composting is still a good option for recycling fruit and vegetable scraps into a soil amendment you can use at home.

How is the curbside organics collection program funded?

The curbside organics collection program is funded through subscriber fees and a SCORE funding grant. SCORE funds are sourced from a solid waste management tax that is collected by the State on garbage bills and landfill tipping fees. This tax is used to support programs that reduce our dependence on landfills in order to prevent the construction of additional (very costly!) landfills in the future. The City of Fridley receives extra SCORE funds that are earmarked specifically for organics recycling which we would otherwise not qualify for. The recycling charge on the City utility bill is currently not used to support the organics recycling program.

Can I put yard waste in my organics cart?

Yard waste is not accepted in the organics cart or your garbage cart. It should still be collected from your yard and either composted in a backyard compost system, picked up through your hauler's yard waste service, or taken to a compost site. For more information on compost site locations, hours, and fees see the Anoka County website at www.anokacounty.us/359/Compost-Sites.

Is pet waste accepted?

No. The materials that are accepted in your organics cart depend on what the Minnesota Legislature deems as acceptable in the Minnesota Administrative Rules. Currently, those rules state that source-separated organic material does not include animal waste.

Will the organics smell?

Organics recycling does not result in any waste you are not already producing, so there should not be any new odors as compared to your current garbage. If you are noticing a problem with flies, Check out these tips from the City of Minneapolis.(PDF, 530KB)

What materials are not accepted in Organics Collection?

Yard waste, diapers and sanitary products, animal and pet waste, litter or bedding, cleaning or baby wipes, grease or oil, dryer lint or dryer sheets, recyclables items, frozen food boxes, microwave popcorn bags, gum, fast food wrappers, products labeled "biodegradable", sawdust, paper clips and staples, ashes, floor sweepings, aluminum foil and foil-lined products, wax paper, household hazardous waste, rocks, clay.

Where can I get a kitchen pail and bags?

Free kitchen pails and compostable bags will be available while supplies last for those who have registered for organics collection. You can pick up supplies at Fridley City Hall or Springbrook Nature Center during normal operating hours. (Springbrook is open on Saturdays and Sundays.) Compostable bags are also available for purchase at most grocery stores. You may also find bags online. Make sure your bags are certified compostable.

Who should I contact about my Organics Recycling Bill or cancelling service?

Please email FridleyOrganics@RepublicServices.com.

Garbage and Yard Waste

Garbage and Yard Waste Service

Need to set up garbage and yard waste service? Check out this video on how to get started. Weekly garbage service is required by code. Current haulers licensed in Fridley can be reached at:

Name Number
Ace Solid Waste 763-427-3110
Curbside Waste 763-504-2872
Republic Services 952-941-5174
Walters Recycling and Refuse 763-780-8464
Waste Management 952-890-1100

If you are looking for construction waste, a roll-off, apartment recycling, or commercial recycling, check the list of licensed garbage haulers to set up service.

Yard Waste

Yard waste is a separate service contracted for with your garbage company and is optional because residents could also take yard waste to the Bunker Hills Compost site in Coon Rapids or practice at-home composting to create a reusable product for flower beds and vegetable gardens! The City does not pick up yard waste or Christmas trees.

Yard Waste Disposal
Yard waste can't go in your curbside trash or organics bins. If you do not have a home composting set-up, you can subscribe to yard waste collection service through your garbage hauler or bring your yard waste to one of Anoka County's compost sites.

View the Anoka County website for compost sites information or call 763-767-7964.

Bulky and Hazardous Items

Bulky Item Disposal

Not sure what to do with items that don't go in your recycling cart? Here are some option to try:

Fix It
Check out an upcoming Anoka County Fix-It Clinic to see if your item can be fixed for free.

Donate It
Search the Recycling and Disposal Directory for where you can take your item to be recycled or post your item to the local Buy Nothing group.

Trash It
Some items can't be recycled or donated. If you need to trash your item, contact your garbage hauler or bring it to an area landfill. The City of Fridley does not operate a landfill. Nearby landfills include:

Walters Recycling and Refuse
(763) 780-8464
10191 Xylite St NE, Blaine, MN

Anoka Recycling and Disposal Center
440 Garfield Street W, Anoka, MN

SKB Environmental
10304 Naples St, Blaine, MN

Advanced Disposal Transfer Station
309 Como Ave, St. Paul, MN

Waste Management- Various

This is a non-exhaustive list, the City encourages residents to conduct their own online search as well.

Hazardous Item Disposal

Hazardous waste can be brought to the Anoka County Household Hazardous Waste Facility for free. The facility is located at: 3230 101st Avenue NE, Blaine, MN 55014

Go to the website or call Anoka County Recycling & Resource Solutions at 763-324-3400 for hours, directions and always call them if you have any questions about whether you can bring a material to the Hazardous Waste Facility or not.

The Anoka County Household Hazardous Waste Facility generally accepts: Automotive Products, Fuel (like old gasoline), Used Oil and Oil Filters, Antifreeze, Household Cleaners, Nail polish and removers, Mothballs, Lawn And Garden Products, Fire extinguishers, Pesticides, Fertilizers, Chemicals, Home Improvement Products, Driveway Sealers, Paints, Paint Thinners, Roofing Tar, Wood Preservatives.

Smoke Detectors: Some smoke detectors have radioactive material and are illegal to throw in the trash. Call the manufacturer listed on the detector to see if that applies to your detector. If your detector has radioactive material, the manufacturer is obligated to take it back.

Licensed disposal companies can also take smoke detectors with radioactive material. You can search the Recycling directory for options.

Old Paint: Minnesota has signed on to participate in a new program for recycling paint called Paint Care. This is a product stewardship program-a new approach which allows participating stores that sell paint to accept used paint to be recycled. Residential paint and commercial paint is allowed. In the City of Fridley, Amazon Paint at 7180 West Commerce Circle is one of the paint recycling Paint Care participants. You can always call ahead to Amazon: (763) 572-0800 to find out their specifications. The Anoka County Hazardous Waste facility takes paint that has not dried out, paint thinner, paint stripper and turpentine, also wood preservatives.

Old Medications: The City of Fridley has a convenient medication drop box for expired, unwanted or overstock pharmaceuticals in the Police Department at the Civic Campus located at 7071 University Ave. NE. A large metal box in that lobby is the medication drop. Cross off your name on the medications; sharps not accepted.

Green Events

From hosting friends and family to food prep, planning a party can take time and effort, but it doesn’t need to make much waste. Green events and zero waste parties and are increasing in popularity; zero waste combines new and once old ways into your celebrations, with a goal of making little to no garbage, only recycling and organics for composting. Here are a few ways to incorporate zero-waste practices when planning a party:

  1. Reduce Packaging. Could any single-serve items be purchased in bulk? Could food items be bought in reusable/recyclable packaging?
  2. Organics Collection. Curbside organics collection has begun in Fridley through Republic Services. If you participate in this program then you can put all food, paper napkins, paper towels, pizza boxes, and compostable plates and cups in the organics cart to be collected and made into compost. 
  3. Borrowed Dishes & Silverware. A party brings friends and family together and people are often happy to contribute to any celebration. One way to seek help and reduce waste is to borrow dishes, stemware, and silverware from others. Then have a bowl of warm soapy water to act as “wash station” for plates and flatware.
  4. Clear Instructions. Make sure your garbage, recycling, organics, and wash stations are convenient and have clear instructions. People are often unsure or hesitant about throwing things in the wrong bin, so if things are not labeled clearly, then they may just toss everything in the trash. See below for event recycling and composting containers to borrow for free.
  5. Natural Decoration. When decorating, consider using something that will be festive but will not need to be thrown in the garage. Natural, compostable decorations like flowers and greenery make an atmosphere celebratory without adding to the garbage.

Need recycling and organics containers for a crowd?

Use ours! Residents and local businesses can borrow event recycling and organics containers from the City of Fridley for no charge.

Reserve our free recycling and organics containers, signs, and bags to help reduce waste. Make sure the bins are conveniently located next to trash containers, near food and eating areas, entrances and exit points and other high pedestrian traffic areas.

  • Contact 763-572-3594 or recycling@fridleymn.gov; to request containers at least 2 weeks before the event date.
  • You will be asked to sign the Event Recycling & Organics Agreement when you pick up the containers.
  • Pick up the containers at the prearranged time at Fridley City Hall, 7071 University Avenue. Please plan to load and unload containers on your own. Pick up times are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • After your event, wipe down the containers and return them to Fridley City Hall.

Free Upgrade to Larger 96 Gallon Recycling Cart

If you need additional space for cardboard or other recycling, you may request a larger cart or an additional cart at no additional cost.

Request a Cart Change

If you just have extra recycling for a short period of time (for example due to moving), you can place extra recycling in paper bags next to your cart or you can flat cardboard boxes and bundle them together with twine and place them next to the cart. Extra items in plastic bags won't be accepted.

New Residents

Just moved to Fridley and wondering how garbage and recycling works in Fridley? Check out this video to get set up:

Additional Information about Curbside Recycling

  • You do not need to sort recycling, all recyclable items can go in the cart.
  • Extra cardboard that doesn’t fit in the recycling cart can be flattened, tied with twine, and set next to your recycling cart for pick-up. Cardboard must be cutdown to ensure that it can fit in a recycling cart to be loaded by the truck. Do not set out your extra cardboard on a day when it will get wet.
  • Extra recycling can go in paper bags next to your cart; extra items in plastic bags won't be accepted.
  • Place recycling loose in the cart, items contained in tied off plastic bags might get thrown out.
  • Ensure that recyclables are clean, empty and dry so that they don’t contaminate other items in the recycling truck. Contaminated loads get sent to the trash.
  • Don’t put plastic bags into the recycling cart .Check your local grocery store - many collect plastic bags for recycling. Visit PlasticFilmRecycling.org to learn what these stores collect.

Recycling FAQs

When is my recycling day?

Search for your address online in Property Information Search. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call us at 763-572-3594.

Can I get a bigger recycling cart?

Yes! A free swap to a 96 gallon recycling cart or additional 60 or 96 carts are available to Fridley residents at no charge! Call 763-572-3594 or email recycling@fridleymn.gov.

How is recycling billed?

Residential recycling is city-wide and billed in conjunction with your water bill. There is no tax assessed on recyclables, but the state does charge 9.75% tax on garbage so it is to your benefit to recycle more!

Does everything need to fit in the cart?

Items should be placed loose in the recycling cart, not bagged. If you have extra cardboard, it can be flattened and tied with twine and placed next to the recycling cart. Do not place out extra cardboard when it is raining or snowing. If you would like to upsize your recycle cart from 65-gallons to 96-gallons or request an additional cart, please call 763-572-3594 or email recycling@fridleymn.gov.

Do I need to sort my recyclables?

No. We make it easy to recycle with single sort recycling! All recyclable materials can go together in your cart. Recycling companies have found that much of the sorting of recyclables can be done mechanically at a materials recovery facility.

How do I recycle other items like appliances and electronics?

The City of Fridley hosts drop-off days annually, you can find information on these events at FridleyMN.gov/Recycling. You can also search the recycling directory at www.anokacountymn.gov/RecyclingDirectory for a full list of providers and options.

How Do I Get Rid of Stuff?

Does the city-provided recycling service include apartments?

Yes, if they are in buildings of 12 units or smaller. Buildings 13 units and larger privately contract separately for recycling, so you would need to consult building management with questions in large apartment complexes. Look for a recycling symbol on recycling carts because cart types and color vary with vendor. All building owners are required to provide recycling opportunities to all residents. It needs to be accessible in winter and summer. Ultimately, since the garbage bin is taxed and the recycling isn't, expenses for apartment managers and owners can be lower if recycling is properly used: less garbage is generated, which means fewer dumpster pickups of garbage.

"Our Building Recycles" posters, magnets, and totes all may be available for your building, contact City recycling for more information at 763-572-3594.

How can I reduce unwanted mail?

The average American household receives more than 60 pounds of unwanted mail each year! According to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, it takes about 100 million trees and 38 billion gallons of water to produce one year's worth of junk mail in the US. Our Ways to Reduce Junk Mail page will save you time and help protect those natural resources.

Ways to Reduce Junk Mail