Water Rebate Program

Receive a rebate of $100-$150 on your utility bill for switching to a water efficient appliance or irrigation system! Appliances purchased prior to July 31, 2024 are not eligible for this rebate offer.
Note: Rebates are available on a first come, first serve basis, while grant funding remains. Applications will be accepted until May 31, 2026 or until funds are exhausted, which ever occurs first. Limit three per property without prior approval. This program is provided by funding through the Clean Water Land and Legacy Amendment.
Apply for Your Rebate
Complete the rebate application(PDF, 214KB) and email to Annie.Olson@FridleyMN.gov or drop it off at City Hall (7071 University Avenu) along with a copy of your receipt.
Note: For irrigation audits, a copy of the audit must also be provided. For rain barrels, a photo of the installed rain barrel must also be provided. Your rebate will be applied to your utility bill.
Rebate Amounts
Fridley residents and businesses can receive rebates for the following water-saving devices:
**City of Fridley plumbing permit required
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I participate?
Funding for this rebate program is provided by the Metropolitan Council's Water Efficiency Grant program to encourage water savings in Fridley. All of the City's water comes from groundwater sources which takes many years to recharge, so it's important that we conserve our water. Learn more about our groundwater connection in a five-minute video.
Pumping water from the ground also uses considerable energy, which costs money and contributes to greenhouse gases. Many homes in Fridley have older appliances, so switching to newer, more efficient appliances will save you and the City money and help conserve resources.
Who qualifies for the rebate?
All property owners in the City of Fridley qualify. Renters are encouraged to work with the property owner to participate. Rebates for toilets and washing machines can only be used for replacement items, not new construction. The product must have been purchased after August 1, 2024 to qualify.
What can the rebate cover?
The rebate can cover the cost of items meeting the specifications shown in the table above as well as professional installation costs. The rebate cannot be used toward the costs of homeowner labor or any necessary permits.
What Does EnergyStar or WaterSense labeled mean?
The EPA certifies products that meet specific energy and water conservation criteria as EnergyStar or WaterSense certified. Consumers can purchase these items knowing that they have been verified to use less resources over time. You can find a list of certified EnergyStar or WaterSense labeled products online. Some products have the certification on the box even though the certification is no longer valid, so it is important to check the EnergyStar or WaterSense website for the most up to date information.

I accidentally purchased a Non-EnergyStar or WaterSense labeled product. Can I still get a rebate?
Unfortunately, the intent of this program is to reduce water and energy use, so only certified products are eligible. If you submit an application for an item that is later determined to not be certified, the value of the rebate will be billed to your account. Please ensure your product is listed by the EnergyStar or WaterSense programs prior to purchase.
Why should I update my irrigation system?
Irrigation systems can use a lot of water, especially if they aren't properly calibrated. A smart irrigation controller automatically adjusts watering frequency and amounts based on weather and site conditions, which keeps your yard from getting over-watered. Smart irrigation controllers are especially important for yards with slopes or patches of shade.
If every home in the United States with an automatic irrigation system used a smart irrigation controller, we could save 100 billions gallons of water per year (equal to the household water needs of 1.2 million Americans).
View the Irrigation Controllers flyer (PDF)
I am Interested in doing a project next year. Can I reserve the rebate in advance?
Rebates are on a first-come, first-served basis. However, if you are a commercial or institutional property planning a large project, please email Annie.Olson@FridleyMN.gov.
How will I receive my rebate?
Your rebate will appear as a credit on your next utility bill.
What other rebate programs does the City offer?
Where can I learn more about the City's water supply