Police Led by experienced leaders, the Fridley Police Division focuses on collaboration and respect while providing 24/7 service. Learn more about their mission and how they work to protect and serve.
Animals Stray animals are picked up by our Community Service Officers (CSO) and are taken to Coon Rapids Animal Humane Society. If you lost a pet without tags, please contact the kennel to see if it is in their care.
Fire Fridley Fire provides all-hazard emergency response in addition to fire and life safety inspections and community outreach through our values of Friendly, Driven, and Responsive.
Report a Concern Help make Fridley a better place by reporting non-emergency concerns easily. Our online forms direct your issues to the right department for quick resolution.
Emergency Preparedness Be prepared for any emergency with Fridley’s comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan. Learn how the city coordinates responses at all levels of government and access vital resources to ensure your safety.
Safety Programs and Initiatives The Public Safety Department has a number of community programs that include connection opportunities, training, crime prevention and more. Learn more about these programs and how you can be involved.
Public Safety Alerts & Reports Stay informed and engaged with Fridley’s Public Safety Alerts & Reports. Access weekly crime updates, press releases, and annual safety reports.