Meet Your Council
The City of Fridley has a City Council that consists of the Mayor and four Councilmembers. There is one Councilmember-at-Large who serves the entire community, and three Councilmembers to represent each ward. All five positions are made up of elected officials who serve four-year terms.
Looking for your councilmember, council meeting information or presentation materials? Jump to a specific section of the page:
Fridley Councilmembers are elected officials versus City employees and therefore, do not maintain offices at City Hall. Residents can email or call councilmembers directly.
If you are unsure who your councilmember is, you can enter your address on the interactive Fridley Neighborhood Map.
David Ostwald - Mayor
Telephone: 763-234-2950
Email Mayor Ostwald
Patrick Vescio - Councilmember-at-Large
Telephone: 763-200-4325
Email Councilmember Vescio
Councilmember Ward 1 - To be announced.
If you need assistance in Ward 1 in the meantime, please contact Mayor Ostwald or Councilmember Vescio.
Ryan Evanson - Councilmember Ward 2
Telephone: 612-325-1329
Email Councilmember Evanson
Ann Bolkcom - Councilmember Ward 3
Telephone: 612-308-2096
Email Councilmember Bolkcom
Council Meetings
City Council meetings are typically held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, with the exception of some holidays. The meetings are held in the Council Chambers on the upper level of the Civic Center, 7071 University Avenue N.E., beginning at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings may also be held.
Specific dates and times for the meetings can be found on the City calendar.
The agendas for each Council meeting are available in the City Manager's Office on the Friday afternoon preceding a Council meeting.
View the meeting agendas
Watch the Council Meetings
City Council meetings are streamed online and available on-demand.
Watch a Council meeting