Getting Around
In addition to options for travelling by car, Fridley has numerous opportunities to travel by transit, bike and foot!
Bike Lockers
Bike lockers are available for rent at the 61st Avenue Multimodal Transit Hub. These lockers are ideal for someone commuting to the bus stop by bike who does not wish to take their bike aboard the bus. Bike lockers are only available for long-term rental January 1-November 30. For availability and a rental form, please contact A $50, refundable deposit is required.

F Line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
Metro Transit is planning for the installation of the Metro Transit F Line along the current Route 10 corridor. Visit the Metro Transit project page to learn more.
Anoka County's Commute Solutions helps tackle some limitations and concerns people have about public transit and rideshares. This free service connects employees and even employers to resources for the best deals on bus or train passes, determining the most convenient routes and letting you know about unknown programs like Metro Transit's free Guaranteed Ride Home.
Active Transportation Plan
Our Active Transportation Plan helps guide development as we work towards a community that incorporates safe non-auto transportation so that all residents can travel throughout the community with ease. This includes new trails and walks, including bike paths, better sidewalks and improved bus stop locations.
Over time, the Active Transportation Plan(PDF, 5MB) provides the direction that will help our City:
- Fill the Gaps in Walks and Trails
- Improve or Create Safe Routes to School
- Reduce Barriers for Mobility-Challenged Individuals
- Improve Community Health by Increasingly Parking the Car and Walking/Biking for Errands
- Make the City Safer for Seniors to Walk and Bike
Parks & Trails
Fridley is committed to creating and preserving a community of beauty, access and encouraging healthy living. Learn more about how to utilize the City's trail system on the Parks & Trails page.