Due to poor ice conditions, the warming house at Commons Park will be closed this weekend. We hope to open again next Friday (January 3) pending favorable weather conditions.
Construction of a Multi-Modal Transit Hub, or Parklet, is underway at the northeast corner of 61st Ave NE and University Ave NE and will continue through June 2024. The finished parklet will include connections to the existing trail and sidewalk network, seating, bike amenities, landscaping, and upgraded lighting. These improvements will function as a recreation space and gathering hub for neighborhood residents and multiple types of transit users. Support for this project is provided by the federal Community Development Block Grant program.
Current project updates will be posted when available.
Sign up for email updates at Web-StreetProjects@FridleyMN.gov to receive the latest project information.
61st Avenue Parklet Project
Email Engineering
Fridley City Hall
7071 University Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432
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