Springbrook Spree
Next date: Saturday, April 12, 2025 | 05:00 PM
to 08:00 PM
Join us for the annual Springbrook Spree fundraising event on April 12 from 5-8 p.m.
This event is for ages 21+ and includes a catered buffet, cash bar, fundraising games and silent and live auctions. Funds are raised to support the Springbrook Nature Center Foundation to enhance and expand the role of Springbrook in our community. Funds earned by each Spree are dedicated to camp scholarships and various improvements to the Nature Center.
Tickets are $55 per person. Ticket prices increase on April 1 to $65 per person. Make sure to have contact information for each ticket you purchase (first name, last name, cell phone number and menu choice).
Purchase tickets
Donations Needed
Would you like to donate a basket, item or experience for the silent or live auctions? Please contact Springbrook Nature Center at 763-572-3588 or email Nature Center Manager, Tara Rogness at Tara.Rogness@FridleyMN.gov.
Volunteers Needed
Want to work with a creative, enthusiastic, fun group of volunteers for a great cause? Join the Springbrook Spree planning team!
The Springbrook Spree is a springtime fundraiser sponsored by the Springbrook Nature Center Foundation. Foundation Board members team with other volunteers to organize and staff this fun event. Planning meetings begin about six months prior to the event. Call 763-572-3588 to learn how you can help.
Saturday, April 12, 2025 | 05:00 PM
- 08:00 PM
Springbrook Nature Center, 100 85th Avenue NE, Fridley, MN, 55432, View Map