Summer ROCKS
June 16 - August 15, 2025
Summer ROCKS, Recreation Opportunities for Creative Kids in the Summer, is for kids currently in grades
K-6! They will have a blast at our Monday-Friday day long camp. Camp hours are from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Mornings: a variety of scheduled activities including sports, arts & crafts and STEM
- Lunch: Children bring their own lunch and two snacks
- Afternoon activities: playground, arts and crafts, creative play, and more.
- Weekly activities: Special Events or Field Trips
Students register for one of the following age groups (current grade 2024-25) K-1, 2-3, & 4-6 with a maximum capacity of 18 kids per group. In the afternoon the K-1 and 2-3 groups will participate in some activities together. Activities are instructed by college and high school aged camp counselors, with supervision from Recreation coordinators. Some programs are taught by outside, specialized instructors.
New! ROCKS Little Pebbles Camps - Ages 4-5
Kids who have not started Kindergarten are able to get a taste of ROCKS at our Little Pebbles Camps! Campers must be age 4 or 5 and bathroom independent. Registration for Little Pebbles will open at 8 a.m. on March 5.
ROCKS Registration and Resources
Registration for ROCKS will open at 8 a.m. on March 5. We hope you can join us for a fun, creative and exciting summer!
In order to facilitate registration on March 5, a pre-registration link was created to allow you to update
your household information, contact information and complete the 10-minute ROCKS questionnaire ahead of time.
Please note: Completion of pre-registration for ROCKS does not guarantee placement in the program but should make your registration process faster and easier when registration is open on March 5,
You will still need to register for each week of ROCKS when registration opens on March 5, 2025 at 8 a.m. In
addition to completing the pre-registration, we encourage to log into your Recreation registration account and update your household and contact information.
Complete your ROCKS Pre-registration
After ROCKS registration opens on March 5 at 8 a.m., there is no need to complete pre-registration.
How to Register
Summer ROCKS registration will open online at 8 a.m. on March 5!
When you register for camp, you will be asked to complete a 10-minute survey regarding contact information, medical history, and other important information that will help us make sure your child has a great time at camp! Please allow ample time to complete this survey, as a current and correct completion will ensure that we are able to serve your child in the best manner possible.
Register online for Summer ROCKS
Fees and Payment
Weekly Fee
$185/week per child for four-day weeks (Weeks 1, 3, 5, 8)
$230/week per child for five-day weeks (Weeks 2, 4, 6, 7, 9)
Payment Plan Option
We require that you pay a $25 down payment for each week you register as part of a payment plan. All remaining registration fees are due two weeks before camp starts. The online system will automatically charge your card on the specified date when you choose the “Summer ROCKS 2025” payment plan at check out. Credit card payment is required to set up the payment plan.
We do not offer scholarships for summer ROCKS camp.
Cancellation and Refunds
In order to receive 100% refund, you must cancel your camp registration at least 14 days before the first day of camp. Any cancellations made less than 14 days prior to the first day of camp will not be refunded. Because of the popularity of this summer program and the limited number of spots available, we ask you to cancel enrollment as soon as you know, so that we can offer your spot to another child that would like to participate. Thank you for your understanding!
Due to construction of Commons Park and Fridley school facilities, we are still confirming the location for Summer ROCKS. We will still hold the program as planned, and it will be located in the City of Fridley. More information to come—we thank you for your understanding and patience!
Schedules and Activities
Daily Schedule
8-9 a.m.: Arrival & Hang-out
9 a.m. – Noon: Morning Activities
12-1 p.m.: Lunch & Recess
1-4 p.m.: Afternoon Activities
4-5 p.m.: Pick-up
Additional Program Information
Lunch and Snacks
Children will need to bring a lunch and two snacks each day.
Afternoon Activities
We designed afternoons to involve participants in a variety of activities, which will promote the development of friendships, good sportsmanship, motivation and creativity! Each week a new theme will be presented with games, stories, crafts, imagination and adventure to provide a well-rounded experience for your child. There is no open swim this year, due to construction at the Fridley Middle School pool.
Wednesday Field Trips & Special Events
Throughout the summer, we'll have a variety of special events, visitors, entertainment and field trips on Wednesdays.
Weekly Classes & Special Events/Field Trips
Each week children will participate in three classes and a weekly field trip or special event. Weekly activities are listed below, detailed descriptions can be found on the ROCKS registration page.
Week 1: June 16 - 20 (closed June 19)
- Soccer
- Minecraft & Pokémon Adventures
- Paper Arts
- Special Event: to be announced
Week 2: June 23 - 27
- Painting
- Magic and More
- Games Galore
- Field Trip: Como Zoo & Como Town
Week 3: June 30 - July 3 (closed July 4)
- Dodgeball
- All About Music
- 4th of July Fun
- Special Event: Glow Dance Party
Week 4: July 9 - 13
- Track and Field
- Space Explorers
- Garden Art
- Field Trip: Cascade Bay Water Park
Week 5: July 14 - 17 (closed July 18)
- Floor Hockey
- Bead and Tape Creations
- Super Sleuths
- Special Event: to be announced
Week 6: July 21 - 25
- Basketball
- Engineering Games & Gadgets
- Talent Show
- Field Trip: Conquer Ninja
Week 7: July 28 - August 1
- Pickleball
- Color Craze
- Building Buddies
- Field Trip: Bunker Beach
Week 8: August 4 - 7 (closed August 8)
- Future Podcasters
- Tae Kwon Do
- Glow in the Dark
- Special Event: Water Party
Week 9: August 11 - 15
- Photography and Scrapbooking
- Nintendo Game Coding
- Kickball
- Field Trip: Zero Gravity
Additional Information
Camp Environment
Group Size and Capacity
Students register for one of the following age groups (current grade 2024-25) K-1, 2-3, & 4-6 with a maximum capacity of 18 kids per group. In the afternoon the K-1 and 2-3 groups will participate in some activities together.
Social Environment
During the program we encourage social interaction and relationship building throughout the day. This often creates an active, stimulating environment during classroom, lunch, and gym time.
Camp Counselors
College and high school-aged camp counselors teach at ROCKS, with supervision from Recreation coordinators. Some activities are taught by outside, specialized instructors (ex. Tae Kwon Do, Robotics).
Program Locations
Morning classes are typically held in three different classrooms, the gym, and outside spaces. Afternoons typically start at the playground and other afternoon activities (games, arts and crafts, creative play) take place both outdoors and indoors. Participants will go on a variety field trips throughout the summer.
Variety of Activities
The ROCKS Program focuses on providing children with a wide variety of activities so they can learn and discover new interests and talents. We encourage all to try new things and support the group by participating in the planned activities. There is choice time scheduled each day.
The variety of locations and activities creates many transitions throughout the day. Daily schedules are posted in each classroom. Transitions include going between different classrooms/gym, bathroom breaks, playground, walks, and varied use of outdoor facilities. In addition, there will be staff changes during the day for each classroom.
Personal Skills
Children must perform their own personal care, be bathroom independent, and participate in way that facilitates learning and also allows others in the program to learn. Our number one goal is to keep your child safe while they are in our care, so all participants must abide by the Student Social Contract.
Inclusive Program
The City of Fridley Parks and Recreation Department is committed to an inclusive approach to recreation and will provide reasonable accommodations to enhance program participation without fundamentally altering a program. If your child needs accommodations or additional support, please contact us.
Student Social Contract
All ROCKS participants must sign and abide by the student social contract.
Staff Responsibilities
- Provide a positive, safe, and caring environment for all participants.
- Provide an educational and recreational environment conducive to the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of each child.
- Communicate regularly with the parent/guardian concerning the child.
Student Responsibilities
- Follow the Fridley Recreation Code of Conduct
- Show respect to all participants and program staff.
- Take direction from program staff/supervisors.
- Refrain from using verbal threats, disrespectful language, bullying, bullying-like behavior or other harassing behavior.
- Refrain from any form of aggression, including lack of self-control with anger, blatant disrespect or absolute refusal of staff person in charge, or causing bodily harm to self, other participants, or program staff/supervisors
- Refrain from damaging equipment, supplies, and facilities.
- Put belongings away neatly in the designated spaces when entering the program area.
- Always show respect for other people and keep hands to oneself.
- Always show respect for others’ property.
- Be polite in words and actions – no put-downs or foul language.
- Participate in planned activities.
- Remain with the group at all times under the supervision of Parks and Recreation staff.
- Pick up area before moving to another activity.
- Use equipment safely.
- Walk quietly and orderly in the halls. Run only when it is part of an activity or safely outside.
Behavior Plan
The goal of discipline and guidance techniques in our program is to help children develop safe and appropriate ways of interacting with others and the environment. With this goal in mind, we need to know that the parent and child understand that inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. The program staff will use the following steps to address inappropriate behavior.
Step 1: Redirection to correct the behavior and explanation of why it is not acceptable.
Step 2: If behavior continues, staff will issue a natural and logical consequence (loss of privileges, time-out, apologies, etc). Following the consequence staff will speak to the child and decide what actions should be taken to correct the behavior. A written report will be filled out. Copies will be shown to the parent and kept on file.
Step 3: If corrective techniques are unsuccessful, parent will be called for a conference.
Step 4: If corrective techniques are still unsuccessful, you will be asked to withdraw your child from the program.
A behavioral situation may occur where a parent may need to pick up their child from the program. If it appears a child may hurt themselves or others, the Recreation staff may restrain the child. The program reserves the right to suspend a child from the program without warning if that child poses physical or emotional harm to other participants or themselves. Immediate removal from program activity is warranted if the participant physically attempts to cause injury to him/herself or others or leaves the designated program area with the intent to run away or hide from staff.
Do I have to register for the entire nine-week program?
No - You can register for as little as one week and as many as nine. We recommend registering for all nine weeks, since it's going to be so much fun!
Can my child attend on a singular day?
Camp environment works best when all campers attend the entire week. Payment must be made for the entire week, regardless of attendance.
How do I register?
Registration can be completed online, over the phone or in-person. You will need to register each child for each week that they will be coming to ROCKS. For example, your child will be enrolled in weeks one, three and six of summer ROCKS. You will need to choose week one, three, and six of your child’s age (ex. week #1, grades 2-3) to complete registration. Each week will be a separate registration. If you have any problems, feel free to call us and we’re happy to help!
What is the deadline to register for summer ROCKS?
Registration closes two weeks prior to the week your child will be attending. We encourage you to register early as the program fills up fast.
What will happen to my registration if the program is full?
If the program is full you will be informed that your child has been added to a waiting list. Participants will be added to the program on a first come first serve basis if space becomes available. There is no charge for your child to be on waiting list--we encourage you to register on the wait list as it's common for spots to open up as people's plans can change!
If my plans change after I have registered, can I cancel and get a refund if I prepaid?
Yes, refunds will be issued up until two weeks prior to your scheduled week.
What ages can participate in ROCKS?
ROCKS is for kids who are in grades K-6 for the 2024-25 school year. Unfortunately, kids who are five years old but are not in kindergarten are not eligible for the program. For kids ages 4 & 5 that have not started Kindergarten, we encourage you to sign them up for Rocks - Little Pebbles Preschool Half-Day Camps.
Can I drop off my child before 8 a.m. if I am comfortable leaving them alone?
No, it is the policy of the facility that all children on the property must be supervised by an adult.
Can I pick my child up earlier than 5 p.m.?
Yes, you may pick up your child anytime throughout the day. Please check the activity schedule so you know where they are located. It is also required for you to sign your child out with Recreation staff. If we are on a field trip, you will only be able to pick your child up after we have returned.
What if I’m late to pick my child?
It is expected that all children are picked up by 5 p.m. A late fee of $5 per child in increments of five minutes past the assigned pick-up time will be charged.
Can I have an older sibling drop off or pick up my child at ROCKS?
No, all ROCKS participants must be dropped off and picked up by an authorized adult on the account.
Do I have to go into the school when I pick up and drop off my child at ROCKS?
Yes, we require that an adult that is an authorized pick-up person comes into the school to sign your child in and to sign them out when they leave the program each day.
What if I'm enrolled in the payment plan and need to change the credit card on file?
No problem! You can change the credit card on file by completing the following in your online account.
Summer ROCKS Gallery